Roundups and listicles, oh my (Monrovia)

Roundups and listicles, oh my (Monrovia)


1.) Feel like roundups and listicles cheapen your brand, but still need to win some SEO juice and domain authority with all the link-building they can support? Embed one in a how-to resource like this: Hellebore Care 101: How to grow the harbingers of Spring.

2.) Worried about sacrificing quality for quantity? You don’t (always) have to, especially f you know your audience as well as your product. It can be quick and easy to produce content they’ll love (or that they won’t, and you haven’t over-invested in) when you take these approaches:

  • You can mine old posts that performed well and update the product selections with new, high-value, high-velocity selects that meet the current calendar and business needs.

  • You can pull together themed content around just about anything: color, category, influencer favorites, seasonal trends, calendar relevance…

  • Often, supporting copy already exists somewhere and you just need to pinch it or edit it to repurpose it. Then, all you need to write is your headline, maybe an introductory paragraph to set the mood, and then a cute CTA that compels the audience to click through (and convert).

    Here are a few examples:


I joined Monrovia in the throes of its leadership change and rebrand. The new VP of Marketing and I agreed: we needed to scale up blog and social media production, so we could have a more consistent, compelling brand presence on social media — and to clean and re-engage our list of 100,000 subscribers who’d stopped opening emails.

I suggested we get some quick wins and test our assumptions about our list with two content tactics and copywriting solutions some marketers love to hate: The Listicle and the Roundup.


  • Strategy, product curation, copywriting, copy editing, art direction



It’s really nice when you can see the line between more marketing and more sales.

  • We scaled from four posts a month to four posts every week. So what?

  • We now had the long- and short-form content we could use to scale social media and email sends (to an underappreciated and undernourished list of B2B and B2C customers. So what?

  • We had more conversations and clout when pitching to PR, building our influence and preference as experts in the press.

  • We got a LOT of love from our colleagues across the org who felt more excited and inspired by working at Monrovia.

  • Our approach booked more pre-orders, moved backstock faster, and sold the plant material we wanted customers to celebrate most.


About Monrovia

Founded in Southern California in 1926 by Harry Rosedale, Sr., Monrovia is one of North America’s oldest and largest growers of premium plant material (trees, shrubs, perennials, herbs, etc.). For nearly 100 years, they’ve been pioneering innovative ways to grow, distribute, and celebrate ornamental and edible plants for every climate in the country. Learn more at